Pottsboro Area Library
The Pottsboro Area Library serves as a learning center for all ages. Summer reading programs and events keep youngsters engaged in reading during summer vacation.
With a valid Pottsboro library card, you have access to thousands of journals, books, magazines and much more through TexShare’s extensive collection of online resources. Job seekers and community members can access information about assistance in looking for a job, paying for school or child care, youth services, and literacy programs available in the Texoma area.
The Pottsboro Library also provides a number of technology services to its members.
- Free computer and internet access
- Wireless internet access. Available outside after hours with valid library card.
- Software – Adobe Creative Suite and Microsoft Office
- Fax – $1 first page, .50 each additional page
- Scan – Scan important documents and photos. Save to flash drive or email
- Nikon DSLR 3100
- GoPro cameras and accessories