Kingston Restaurants

Caney Creek Beer Garden
Business Address
8848 Soldier Creek
Kingston, Oklahoma 73439

Best Party in town! Open Thurs, Fri & Sat 8 pm – 2 am Karaoke on occasion, outdoor patio and indoor service

Catfish Platter
Business Address
5572 S Hwy 377
Kingston, Oklahoma 73439
(580) 564-4204

We proudly serve fresh American farm raised catfish (fillet and on the bone), fresh cooked pinto beans, fresh-ground coleslaw, homemade hushpuppies, homemade tartar sauce, and even though catfish is our specialty we serve chicken, shrimp, oysters, chicken fried steak, and burgers for those who don't like catfish

Chickasaw Pointe Golf Club
Business Address
12428 Chickasaw Pointe Rd
Kingston, Oklahoma 73439
(580) 564-2581
Business Tags

Chickasaw Pointe is ranked #16 in the 50 best golf courses in America for under $50 green fee (GOLF, 9/07) and ranked top 2 in Oklahoma (public access) since opening.

Country Kitchen
Business Address
304 E Hwy 70
Kingston, Oklahoma 73439
(580) 564-2192

"You are going to want their signature hand breaded big boy version of chicken fried steak with everything hand done including the gravy. Their breakfast is just great too