The Foundation for Exceptional Warriors (The F.E.W.) and Katie Strief of Dreamcatcher Ranch have partnered with High Brass Hunting Preserve and hosted the 4th Annual European Pheasant Hunt and Paul Strief Memorial on Saturday, October 7, 2017. The Event was designed to thank Veterans for all they have done for our country as well as raise awareness for The F.E.W. and their support of Veterans and nationwide events. The goal is to provide our Veterans with a fun event that is totally free from expense to them. The event took place at the great High Brass Hunting Preserve in Grant, Oklahoma. This is an amazing facility and the people are even better. Spouses were invited to this event with their Hero as either shooters or guest. An incredible lunch was included in the festivities. Special thanks to Pilgrims Pride who donated all of the chicken, plus a smoker, all 4 years.
The F.E.W. Mission is to provide adventures to unite, reward, and inspire those that have served together to heal together. Their mission focus is Special Operations Forces, Ex-Prisoners of War, Purple Heart recipients and those recognized with awards for Valor of every era. The F.E.W. Vision is to reconnect Warriors with themselves, their families and their communities. There is nothing more healing than camaraderie between fellow war heroes, whether by the fire, in a boat, on a hunt or any one of our outdoor adventures. The European Pheasant Hunt, however, is open to all Veterans who were honorably discharged and is not limited by merit or valor.
Many sponsors donated to this event which is free to all veterans and their families in attendance. Sponsor donations are tax-free. All birds were processed, bagged and iced and each veterans went home with their beautiful birds.