Grayson County Master Gardener Intern Training January 13
By Chuck M. Jones, AgriLife Agriculture and Natural Resource Agent, Grayson County
Sherman — Those interested in becoming a certified Texas Master Gardener can begin this fascinating adventure by attending the 2016 Intern Training classes hosted by Grayson County Master Gardeners.
Master Gardeners are volunteers that work under the guidance of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. Grayson County Master Gardeners give back to their community in numerous ways – conducting public educational programs and events (plant sales, garden show, and public horticulture programs); school programs (Junior Master Gardeners); community outreach (nursery visits and media interviews); and maintaining public flower beds and memorial sites.
The training includes 50 hours of hands-on and classroom education. The classes cover soil health, fruit and nut tree care, turf maintenance, landscape design, smart irrigation, organic methodology, tree maintenance, insects, gardening, plant propagation, etc.
Classes are every Wednesday for ten weeks beginning January 13, 2016 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Grayson County Courthouse, 2nd floor Assembly Room. Enter the courthouse on the south side across from Knight Furniture and proceed to the second floor. Interested? Request an application packet that contains details of the training and future expectations. Call 903-813-4204 or e-mail mastergardeners@co.grayson.tx
Educational programs of the Texas AgriLIFE Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, sex, disability, religion, age, or national origin.