Sherman, TX – August 19, 2018
Home Hospice of Grayson & Fannin Counties is excited to announce the return of our five-week bereavement support groups. Each week the groups will be discussing topics such as “getting through firsts” and “finding a new normal”. These groups will meet at the Home Hospice office located at 505 W. Center Street in Sherman.
Experiencing grief after loss is a normal part of life. It can become overwhelming, affecting us both physically and emotionally. There is no quick fix for our grief but sharing your journey with others who have experienced the loss of a loved one, can make it easier. Come and join us – you can attend all sessions or just one if you choose.
The evening group will be held from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm on Thursdays starting August 30th, 2018 and continuing on September 6th, September 13th, September 20th & September 27th.
To register for this support group, please contact our office at 903-868-9315. If you’d like information on individual counseling, please contact Dennis Noblett at 903-868-9315. Home Hospice of Grayson, Cooke and Fannin Counties is celebrating our 36th year of service to the community as the only non-profit community-based hospice agency. To learn about other community outreach programs offered by Home Hospice, please visit or visit our Facebook page at