The Friends of Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge and the Audubon society invites everyone to participate in its annual Christmas Bird Count. This year’s count will take place at Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge on Saturday, December 17th.
The Audubon Society describes this event as the nation’s longest running citizen science bird project. The count, which began in 1900 as a replacement for the tradition of bird hunting on Christmas Day, provides important data about the state of the bird population throughout the world. To date, over 200 peer-reviewed articles have resulted from analysis of the data gathered, and federal agencies use the data in decision making processes that impact bird populations.
Everyone with an interest is encouraged to participate in one of several different ways.
- Volunteers can join the count at the refuge, with options of an early morning owl count, half-day (morning only), or full day participation. The owl count begins at 4:45 am and the regular count begins at 7:00 am, lasting until 5:00 pm for the full day. Teams are assigned specific areas within a fifteen mile radius and count all birds seen in their assigned area. Inexperienced birders are teamed with more experienced team members.
- If you live within the fifteen mile Hagerman Circle area, you can also participate in the feeder watch program, counting all birds at your home feeder on that day.
- Volunteers can pre-register at or register upon arrival at the refuge on the day of the count.
- The Friends of Hagerman will provide a snack supper for the count volunteers, from 4 – 6 pm., in the FOH building.