Free Nature Programs at Hagerman NWR on Lake Texoma
Youth First – Oct. 1, 10 – 11:30 am – Water, Water, Everywhere – for kids 4 – 12 – Please register online at or call the Refuge, 903 786 2826. Did you know we are brushing our teeth with the same water dinosaurs drank?? Hands on activities for learning the water cycle. Free.
Second Saturday— Oct. 8, 10 am – Butterflies at HNWR, with Laurie Sheppard. Learn where and when to find the many, over 60 species, of butterflies that can be seen at the Refuge. Butterfly Garden Walk before the program at 9 am.
Monarch Tagging, Sunday, Oct. 9, 2 pm, come to Visitor Center to get exact location; public invited to watch as migrating monarchs are tagged and sent on their way.
Butterfly Garden Walk— Oct. 15, 9:30 – 11:00 am. Again on this date, our garden docents will be on hand to help you identify native Texas plants and the butterflies they attract. Bring your cameras to take advantage of some great photo opportunities of our wildflowers, caterpillars, and butterflies.
Drawing & Nature Journaling Workshop, 10 am – 4 pm, Oct. 29, maximum enrollment 20, register by Oct. 20 as long as space available, at; $35 plus provide own art supplies, a list will be given to each registrant ahead of time.
C&E Express Tram Tours – Saturday and Sunday at 2 pm, weather permitting, call 903 786 2826 for reservations. Free, donations accepted.