Frontier Village and Museum – Denison Texas
Open Daily 1 to 4 p.m. Admission: $5 Adults; $3 for ages 6 – 18; free for under 5
$3/person Tour Groups (minimum 10 people). Tours must be arranged in advance.
The Village, which has been designated Grayson County’s official museum, has been described as one of the county’s “Best Kept Secrets.” The dedicated volunteers are working hard to change that from being a secret to being “the place” to take visitors or for locals to get a good dose of Grayson County Heritage.
Frontier Village of Grayson County is a non-profit organization founded in 1966 to establish a frontier village at Loy Lake Park. In this replica of an early village, structures and artifacts historically significant to Grayson County, preserve the rich background of the pioneers who settled here in the nineteenth century. Exhibits include many photos, mule-drawn farm implements and early hand tools.
A museum was added to the village in 1990 and a research center was added in 2002, both financed by grants from the Clara Blackford – W. Aubrey Smith Foundation. Here are housed many interesting and historic items, including portraits of outstanding civic leaders painted by Mrs. Russell Hanna a number of years ago. One of our most recent additions to the research room is the office of 15th District Judge Retired R.C. Vaughan. The furnishings are on loan from Grayson County and Judge Vaughan’s papers are in files for research by individuals.
Community room available for $50 rental fee
Throughout the year, the volunteers of Frontier Village work to create family-friendly events.
Upcoming Events at Frontier Village
Upcoming Events at Loy Lake Park