February 19, 2018 | Commerce, Texas
No topic is more important than children’s health and safety. This will be the focus of the Children’s Health and Safety Fair held at the Children’s Museum on Saturday, March 3 from 9:30 to 11:30. Sponsors for the event include Walmart, Hunt Regional Healthcare, Atmos, and Pediatric Center of Greenville. Free admission to the museum will be offered during the time of the Health and Safety Fair.
Although the museum will be open for creative play, exhibits throughout the museum will highlight health and safety. The 8 foot tall Mega Lung will be on display and will provide an opportunity for children to ask questions and have a greater understanding of the importance of a healthy lung. ” I enjoy seeing the expression on each child’s face as they see the MegaLung for the first time. They become even more interested as they walk through the lung, ” said Elana Barton, Director of Development.
Ms. Angela Price of the Commerce Police Department will provide children’s identification cards. The cards will include fingerprints and pictures of each child. Ms. D’Ann Frank will use oxymeters to compare each child’s resting pulse rate to the pulse rate after exercise
“What could be more important than an event which focuses on the health and safety of our children?” said Sharline Freeman, Director of the Northeast Texas Children’s Museum. “We are excited to offer an event that is so beneficial to children and their parents.” The Children’s Museum and the play areas will be open.
“We appreciate the sponsors for the event and the Children’s Activity Book. The sponsorship of Walmart, Hunt Regional Healthcare, Pediatric Center of Greenville, and Atmos make this event possible. We are very appreciative of their support,” said Donna Tavener, Board President.
For more information, call the Northeast Texas Children’s Museum at 903-886-6055.