Pottsboro, Texas | February 21, 2018
There will be a humorous and interesting program given at the March 1st meeting of the Preston Trail NSDAR meeting. The title of the program will be “Southern Fried.” The speaker for the March 1st meeting will be Catherine Fowler. There’s something enchanting and irresistible about the style of a Southern woman and the incomparable culture that produced her. Come revel in our wonderfulness as we gently poke fun at all things Southern — from magnolias to moon pies. Sit a spell on the porch and share in the laughter as we decode the manners and myths, the rules and rituals of the storied South. Rich traditions such as how to eat watermelon in your frilly sundress to the importance of biscuits, banjos, and bless your heart will all be explained. We will make you proud of putting’ on the grits! Y’all come now, ya hear?
The speaker, Catherine Fowler is a graduate of the University of North Texas and taught English at Lake Highlands High School for four and a half years when it first opened. Mrs. Fowler is an adult Sunday school teacher and chaired various church committees – Council on Ministries, Worship, Education, Women’s Retreat and Capital Campaigns. She has served as a librarian and as district library coordinator for Frisco Independent School District, where she worked for 22 years, serving on many committees. Mrs. Fowler and her husband, Pat, are honored to have a school named after them—Pat and Catherine Fowler Middle School. She has been awarded the “Spirit of Frisco” award by the Frisco Chamber of Commerce and serves on the Frisco Education Foundation Board, where she helped raise money for and award scholarships to graduating seniors. Mrs. Fowler has volunteered as a living history demonstrator as the school marm in the one-room school at Frisco Heritage Village. She has presented programs to various organizations, including the Frisco Garden Club, Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), Frisco Association of School Personnel and more. She is also active in the Frisco Association of Retired School Personnel. Mrs. Fowler is a proud mother and grandmother.
Would you like to be part of our meetings and be able to listen to the interesting speakers we have each month? You are welcome to come and see what the DAR is all about even if you are not a member. Would you like to be involved in the good works that DAR participates in? Anyone interested in receiving help to prove their ancestry for qualification to become a Daughter of the American Revolution are welcome to contact our chapter at www.facebook.com/PrestonTrailNSDARPottsboroTX75076 on Facebook or www.DAR.org.
The Preston Trail Chapter of the DAR next meets Thursday, March 1st, and thereafter through May on the first Thursday of the month at 5pm for snacks and fellowship and at 6pm for chapter meetings and programs. For the meeting location please contact the chapter at prestontrailnsdar@gmail.com
The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution was founded in 1890 to promote historic preservation, education and patriotism. Its members are descended from the patriots who won American independence during the Revolutionary War. With more than 177,000 members in approximately 3,000 chapters worldwide, DAR is one of the world’s largest and most active service organizations. DAR members are committed to volunteer service having served more than 12.5 million hours in communities throughout the world during the past three years. To learn more about the work of today’s DAR, visit www.DAR.org or connect with DAR on social media at facebook.com/TodaysDAR, and youtube.com/TodaysDAR.