Preston Trail DAR Chapter Offers Free One Hour Genealogy Workshop

Sherman, Texas –

Preston Trail NSDAR Chapter Invites Public to Register for Free One-Hour Appointment with a Volunteer Genealogist to Search for American Revolution Patriot Ancestor

Preston Trail Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution invites members of the public to register for a free, one-hour appointment with a volunteer genealogist in order to search for a direct ancestor who served as an American Revolutionary War patriot.  The free, one-hour genealogy appointment will be registered and scheduled on a first-contacted, first-served basis, limited to 12 participants, and will be held within a one-hour genealogy research session Monday, July 2, from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. at the Grayson County Courthouse, 100 W. Houston, Sherman, in an adjacent assembly room of the East Courtroom on the second floor.  Members of the public are invited to contact Preston Trail NSDAR Chapter 2nd Vice Regent and American Independence Committee Chair Catherine Giles at 940-597-4757 or to request to register and to schedule their free, one-hour appointment with a volunteer genealogist on a first contacted, first served basis, limited to 12 participants.  Confirmed participants are asked to bring the following information to their genealogy session:  the complete names, dates and places of birth, dates and places of marriage, and dates and places of death for their generation closest to any potential American Revolutionary patriot.

Preston Trail NSDAR Chapter also invites members of the public to participate in an American Independence program Monday, July 2, 12:00 – 1:00 p.m., in the East Courtroom on the second floor of the Grayson County Courthouse.  The program will celebrate the Declaration of Independence which was signed and adopted 242 years ago on July 4, 1776, by the Second Continental Congress at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Declaration announced that the thirteen American colonies then at war with the Kingdom of Great Britain would regard themselves as thirteen independent sovereign states no longer under British rule. With the Declaration, these new states took a collective first step toward forming the United States of America. The declaration was signed by representatives from New HampshireMassachusetts BayRhode Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.

The program will include a public reading of the Declaration by members of the public, assigned in segments on a first-come, first-served basis.  The chapter also invites members of the public to attend a tea and cupcake reception from 1:00-2:00 p.m. in the same location.  During the reception, the chapter will also share a PowerPoint slide show of information about the community service projects and events the non-profit and non-partisan organization performs to benefit veterans and surrounding communities and to promote education, literacy, history, and patriotism.  The chapter will also share information about prospective membership in NSDAR, SAR (Sons of the American Revolution), and CAR (Children of the American Revolution).

The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution was founded in 1890 to promote historic preservation, education and patriotism. Its members are descended from the patriots who won American independence during the Revolutionary War. With more than 177,000 members in approximately 3,000 chapters worldwide, DAR is one of the world’s largest and most active service organizations.  DAR members are committed to volunteer service having served more than 12.5 million hours in communities throughout the world during the past three years.  To learn more about the work of today’s DAR, visit or connect with DAR on social media at, and